Buyers and Sellers
If you are trying to sell or buy property in Michigan, the Burns Law Office can help.
THE BURNS LAW OFFICE regularly assists Buyers and/or Sellers in sales of property. Whether the deal involves a bank or other financing, or whether it is between just the Buyer and Seller, we have experience that can help you get to deal done. We you need a review of documents, preparation of a land contract or other purchase documents, the Burns Law Office can help you come to a basic understanding of your documents and assist you in making decisions regarding your situation.
(616) 920-6594
Daniel L. Burns
29 Pearl Avenue NW, Suite 145
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(f) (616) 454-6572
Even if it seems like your situation is a simple one, when you are dealing with the law, you want to have an experienced person with a license verify what the problem is and use their knowledge and expertise to deal with it in the correct way. This can help you avoid getting shocked with something that should have been straightforward. And if your situation turns out NOT to be simple, you want to make sure there is an experienced licensed person there on your side that can help you through it.
Get a Free and 100% Confidential Consultation on your case. We can talk on the phone or you can come to our office. We know that legal issues can be we make it easy to get answers fast to give you peace of mind.
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Our Areas of Practice:
Criminal Defense
Drunk Driving
Drug Charges
Serious Injury Attorney
Property Attorney
Contact Us
Our offices are located at:
Exhibitors Building
Suite 440
220 Lyon Street NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503